Welcome to the Reading Sisters Book Club!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Going on Hiatus
For a while now we have had a wonderful time reading and chatting with one another. Now that the school year is beginning I'm finding myself very busy. Between my children's daily needs, schooling, events of life, and being a wife my time seems stretched tight. I'm needing to put aside the book club for a season. Thank you for participating and I hope that someday we'll be able to pick it back up. God Bless~Stacy
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
July's Pick
This month's book will be The Last Song written by Nicholas Sparks. I began reading this book not too long ago. I have to admit that I didn't have very high expectations for it in the beginning. However, I was happily surprised at the depth found within it's pages. You might think that Sparks is only known for writing sappy love stories. If this isn't your type of read please give this book a chance. It will surprise you that it isn't what you might expect it too be. It's very well written and more over, it's story is powerful. I had no idea that upon reading it's final pages such a wonderful message would unfold.
Personally I love to surround myself with good literature. When a piece is timeless I love it even more. The Last Song is timeless. It speaks to you about the truthfulness of real love, God's power, and ultimately redemption. This is a book that I will proudly sit upon my book shelf. Hopefully one day in the future my daughters will want to read it.
I think it's message will resonate with you too. Give it a chance, pick up a copy, and allow yourself to be taken on a journey that will be more than just entertainment to you.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Movie Night Change of Plans
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Living Alternatives Outreach
Our God is so GOOD!!! Our little book club has a moment to have a HUGE impact for the kingdom of Christ. Ladies, I just spoke with the director from Living Alternatives "Crisis Pregnancy Center". They would love to have our copies of Shades of Blue and any other helpful reading material that we would like to donate (What to Expect When You are Expecting, etc.). They also need new born clothing and diapers. When these precious ladies find out they're expecting; the center sends with them diapers and clothes for their new baby, along with vital counseling and support. Having a child can be a daunting idea under ideal circumstances, imagine if you are alone and scared and contemplating other alternatives. Let's help these girls' to know that they are loved by Christ, let's be the hands and feet of Him.
2 Corinthians 5:14
For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
Bring any and all donations to church Sunday. I'll be in the Children's foyer at the end of the 9:30 service on June 6. If you won't be there, message me and we'll meet up somehow. Feel His calling and move. Let's not be found idly waiting, but actively serving.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Meeting Reminder
Tonight we're meeting at 7. Come to our usual hang out place, The Bridge Coffee House. If you haven't finished reading don't fret, come anyways!!! ~Stacy
Friday, May 14, 2010
June's Pick: Beach Reading
It's officially summer time in our home and if you're anything like me your craving a break. This month's pick is the perfect book to just sit back and enjoy whether you're by the beach, the pool, or just curled up on the couch. Sometimes I just need a book that doesn't require anything more of me than to enjoy it's story. This month's choice is "Letters to Juliet" by Leis Friedman & Ceil Friedman. It's a romance piece that has a 4 star rating on Amazon.
Oh and another thing you should know let's go to the movies!!! Yes, you heard me. Let's ditch the coffee house, gather up all of our buddies, sit down with pop-corn & a coke; and enjoy "Letter's to Juliet" on the big screen. Tentatively set your calendars for movie night, June 22. See you then ladies!
Friday, April 23, 2010
May's pick is Terror By Night. It's the compelling true story written by Terry Caffey. I don't want to give too much away. However, I can tell you that it happened here in Texas in a little town not too far away called Canton. Pick it up soon and start reading. Our next meeting is scheduled for May 20th at 7pm. I hope to see you there!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hey Ladies!
It's time again for our monthly meeting.
When: Tonight ( April 22nd)
Place: The Bridge Coffee ShopCome and join us for a time of fellowship & friendship. If you haven't read the book, don't worry. We would ♥love♥ for you to come anyway. I hope to see you there!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Choose May's Pick
We need your vote!!! Choose your favorite for May's reading pick. The book with the most vote wins. Here are the 4 titles with a short synopsis of each.
Terror by Night by Terry Caffey tells the compelling story of how Terry Caffey found peace after his wife and sons were brutally murdered and his teenage daughter implicated in the crime. Sharing never-before-told details about the night of the crime and subsequent murder trial, it explains how Terry was able to forgive the men who murdered his family, and how he even interceded with the prosecutors on their behalf. A powerful example of how the power of forgiveness can bring healing after tragedy and great loss, it shows how God can bring good out of even the darkest tragedies.
Crazy Love by Francis Chan From the book: "Sometimes I feel like when I make decisions that are remotely biblical, people who call themselves Christians are the first to criticize and say I'm crazy, that I'm taking the Bible too literally, or that I'm not thinking about my family's well-being. . . When people gladly sacrifice their time or comfort or home, it is obvious that they trust in the promises of God. Why is it that the story of someone who has actually done what Jesus commands resonates deeply with us, but we then assume we could never do anything so radical or intense? Or why do we call it radical when, to Jesus, it is simply the way it is? The way it should be?" (Has been touted as a life changing book.)
Beth Moore's book - So Long Insecurity Prolific Bible teacher and women's ministry leader Moore (Get Out of That Pit) moves away from her characteristic dead-on expositions of scriptural principles in her newest; the topic is insecurity, and the content, she admits, is close to an autobiography. Moore, always transparent with her own personal struggles, is refreshingly so throughout this text. Readers will be chortling in laughter one moment and sucking air the next as Moore exposes the many faces of female insecurity. The author names and claims each one, then defuses every bit of power these nonsensical inner voices possess by countering their lies with God's truth. Women, no matter what their age, battle against advertising's siren call for unattainable physical perfection; the habit of making a man's love the ultimate validation; and the worldly definition of success as money, power, and status. Moore uses personal essays, women's true confessions, expressive prayers, and lots of commonsense suggestions to jar women out of their insecure rut. Readers will delve into this work and find themselves comfortably uncomfortable, and this is a very good thing. (Feb.) --Publishers Weekly, December 14, 2009
Reedeming Love by Francine Rivers: Rivers has rewritten a secular historical romance of the same name (Bantam, 1991) for the Christian market, and it is a splendid piece of work exploring both physical love and a love of God. Angel, a young, hardened prostitute sold into "the life" as a child, has no interest in God or religion. Then she meets Michael Hosea, a devout Christian who tells her it is his mission to save her. After being badly beaten, Angel decides to take Michael up on his offer of marriage. Eventually, she learns not only to love Michael but to love God as well. There is not one false note in this wonderful novel. The publisher's foreword rates the book "PG" for its adult themes and subplots of rape and incest. However, these are handled with great sensitivity and are very much a part of the story's development. Very highly recommended for most libraries.
Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Have You Started Reading???
What do you think so far? I'm just curious because I haven't received my copy yet. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Have you read Karen Kingsbury's books before?
Have you read Karen Kingsbury's book before? Which book has been your favorite?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
April's Book Choice
Hey Everybody! I have to start by telling you that this small idea I had to start a book club; has grown into a wonderful group filled with amazing women. It has been such a blessing to see you enjoying it as much as I have. It will be a lot of fun as the months roll by and we get to read & experience all of these wonderful books. Every woman's heart is filled with a passion for many things and this gives a glimpse into what you're passionate about, find fun, inspired by, or want to learn more about. I asked Heather Shirley to pick April's read. She picked, "Shades of Blue" by Karen Kingsbury. I'm looking forward to grabbing a copy and hope to begin my reading journey soon. If you would like money saving tips on buying books check out earlier blogs that I posted. One idea is to find a buddy in the group and take turns purchasing and sharing books. Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you tonight!!!
Karen Kingsbury - Shades of Blue
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Date: MARCH 25 @ 7pm.
Driving Directions: The Bridge is located on the corner of Crossroads Community Church. ( Between Alpine Rd and HWY 80)
Driving Directions: The Bridge is located on the corner of Crossroads Community Church. ( Between Alpine Rd and HWY 80)
- If you are coming from town drive down the Loop towards I-20. After you cross under Alpine Rd the church will be at your right, about a mile. Turn into the parking lot and the coffee shop is located in the front left corner of the building.
- If you are coming from Hallsville come down HWY 80 towards the Loop and veer right onto the Loop. The church will be on located on your left before you come to Alpine Rd.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Whatcha' Reading?
Curious minds want to know what you are reading right now? If your not reading the monthly read, what are you reading? Spring Break is here and for many that means a little R&R. At the moment I am reading, "Whisper of Winter," by Tracie Peterson. Funny thing is that it was on sale, hugely discounted, so I bought it. Now as I'm looking at the cover I can see that it is Book 3 in a series. I'm horrible at really reading the cover of books. Oh well, I'm on pg.2 and I like it. I guess you could say I'm starting at the end and will have to read my way to the beginning. Ha Ha!!! Maybe your reading a few magazines. I did see some interesting stuff at the check out isle the last time I was in the grocery store.
For all of our club members (open to anyone) log in with either your gmail account, twitter account, or blogger account; then you can leave comments & posts. These are all free accounts so if you don't have one, create one and join in on the fun. We can utilize this site to really generate some great discussions. I want to hear from you and so does everyone else. Plus, it's not any fun just talking to myself, I need you! Have a blessed day~ Stacy
For all of our club members (open to anyone) log in with either your gmail account, twitter account, or blogger account; then you can leave comments & posts. These are all free accounts so if you don't have one, create one and join in on the fun. We can utilize this site to really generate some great discussions. I want to hear from you and so does everyone else. Plus, it's not any fun just talking to myself, I need you! Have a blessed day~ Stacy
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Meeting Reminder
March's Book: The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright
Next Meeting : March 25 @ 7pm at The Bridge located on the corner of Crossroads Community Church
Next Meeting : March 25 @ 7pm at The Bridge located on the corner of Crossroads Community Church
The Wednesday Letters
I finished reading, The Wednesday Letters over the weekend. One thing I took away from the book was the concept that forgiveness isn't a passive choice but it's a active one. The main characters had to overcome a huge obstacle early on in their marriage. Choices had to be made and then lives had to be lived. How different things would have been for them if they had not been able to trust God and forgive? This type of forgiveness is impossible without the love of Christ in your heart. Ultimately, it's the forgiveness found at the cross that compels us to forgive. Can you relate to the story's message of faith, forgiveness, & love? Maybe you took something away from the book completely different than I did. I would love to hear from you. God Bless.~Stacy
Friday, March 5, 2010
Last Night's Read
Today I am struck by the beauty of the world outside my window. How can such a beautiful day not have been created by a Designer? So far I am still at the beginning of the story, maybe I'll sit outside and read some today. I have read through a few chapters and have continued asking myself the same question over and over. The question is the same one as it was with the last book we read, "What will the impact of my life be?" In some ways I have added on to that question while reading through this story. Not on only what will the impact of my life be, but " How will my life specifically impact my children?." I just noticed as I have been reading that after a parent is gone the children are left to ponder their lives in vivid memories. I want mine to have good memories, ones that will inspire them to live their lives to the fullest potential that God has given them. Anyway, that's my two sense on what I have read so far. I am anxious to see what unfolds in the chapters to come. Happy Reading!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Frugal Reader Read Further
Are you a, "Frugal Reader?" I know that I am! By this I mean that you like to read but don't want to pay the new bookstore price. Well here are a few ideas that may help you acquire a frugal find.
- Library: I know this sounds like the obvious place to start. However, many people avoid using the library because it feels outdated. Our local library has a wonderful solution in helping you find that perfect read. Once you have an account with the Library, you can reserve your books online. They'll even notify you when they are ready to be picked up. So simple!
- Share: Again, I know this may sound too simple. Find someone in the group who would like to share their copy. Perhaps you both could take turns purchasing that month's read and swap out. Then you're only purchasing every other time.
- Download: If you are a digital reader then there are several websites that can give you a flat rate for downloads. One site will even allow you to download several at one price or unlimited with another plan. The price of one month's downloads is around the cost of 1 new book purchase in the traditional bookstore at full price.
- Freebies: Some websites offer free books. You just have to be savvy and pay attention too what is being offered and when.
- Being Green: This doesn't mean planting your books in the backyard and waiting for a tree to grow. Nope, instead it's all about recycling what you have, to gain something you want. One website listed on our sidebar will pay for you to ship 10 items (books, CD's, or DVD's) to them. You in return receive 10 items of interest to you. The book exchange is essentially free.Your only cost is the shipping for your new items. So easy!!!!
- Internet Incentives: Pay attention to free shipping with Amazon and other sites; sometimes you can score a new/used copy at a fraction of what you would pay in-store. I just did this and my used copy was just about brand new.
- Local Finds: Take advantage of your local new/used bookstores and their sales. Their business is books. So you'll always find something on sale.
Rainy Delivery
So it came last night in the rain. I was so excited to finally be able to sit down and read it. I started the, "The Wednesday Letters." So far I've only read the first chapter. At the moment I am also reading a suspense thriller so I'll need to finish that first. Anyway, the first chapter doesn't disappoint. Enjoy!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Anxiously Awaiting
As I sit here writing I have two little one's down for a nap and my oldest is headed to an eye appointment. If only my book were here already! This would be the perfect time to begin it. It should be arriving sometime today though. Yea!!! I am really looking forward to pouring over it's pages. Reading all the book reviews has made this all the more exciting because I love a good story; especially a love story. Yes, I am that sappy. Hee Hee... Have you started reading it yet or have you read it before? I would love to hear about your thoughts on, "The Wednesday Letters." Until later, hopefully I'll have my book by then, happy reading.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Fun Times
We had a blast last night! If you weren't able to make it we missed you. I hope that you can come to our next meeting. All in all we had 6 ladies there at The Bridge. Last months read, "The Same Kind of Different As Me" was very inspiring. If you didn't finish it or have yet to read it, put it on your "must reads" list. I really think it was a book that I came away being the better for having read. I don't say that lightly, because it challenged me to re-evaluate myself. Some of things it made me question were: How do I look at other people? Do I see them as the Lord would have me see them or do I stereo type and put them aside? Are my actions genuine or am I doing things for a pay off? Will my life leave a lasting impression upon those around me for the cause of Christ? What will be my legacy and as well as the legacy of my family? If I went through all of those life trials would I come out the better for it? How much more can I give? It's easy to live every day the same, making every move very predictable. However, if anything I have learned from having read Denver, Ron, & Deborah's accounts is that life is precious, every day is a gift from God, and to waste or simply walk blindly through any day is a tragedy. Like Paul writes to us, we are to live every day as though we are in a race, striving towards the prize that awaits us in Christ Jesus. Thank you for being a part of the book club. I am enjoying watching how it is coming together. Have a blessed day! ~Stacy
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