
Welcome to the Reading Sisters Book Club!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

July's Pick

         This month's book will be The Last Song written by Nicholas Sparks. I began reading this book not too long ago. I have to admit that I didn't have very high expectations for it in the beginning. However, I was happily surprised at the depth found within it's pages. You might think that Sparks is only known for writing sappy love stories. If this isn't your type of read please give this book a chance. It will surprise you that it isn't what you might expect it too be. It's very well written and more over, it's story is powerful. I had no idea that upon reading it's final pages such a wonderful message would unfold.  
         Personally I love to surround myself with good literature. When a piece is timeless I love it even more. The Last Song is timeless. It speaks to you about the truthfulness of real love, God's power, and ultimately redemption. This is a book that I will proudly sit upon my book shelf. Hopefully one day in the future my daughters will want to read it. 
          I think it's message will resonate with you too. Give it a chance, pick up a copy, and allow yourself to be taken on a journey that will be more than just entertainment to you.

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