
Welcome to the Reading Sisters Book Club!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Last Night's Read

Today I am struck by the beauty of the world outside my window. How can such a beautiful day not have been created by a Designer?  So far I am still at the beginning of the story, maybe I'll sit outside and read some today. I have read through a few chapters and have continued asking myself the same question over and over. The question is the same one as it was with  the last book we read, "What will the impact of my life be?" In some ways I have added on to that question while reading through this story. Not on only what will the impact of my life be, but " How will my life specifically impact my children?."  I just noticed as I have been reading that after a parent is gone the children are left to ponder their lives in vivid memories. I want mine to have good memories, ones that will inspire them to live their lives to the fullest potential that God has given them. Anyway, that's my two sense on what I have read so far. I am anxious to see what unfolds in the chapters to come. Happy Reading!

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